Tuesday, March 10, 2009

36 weeks

At a wedding over the weekend

At home today 36w 1d.

11 & 15 weeks
17 weeks

19 weeks

21 weeks
23 weeks

25 weeks

27 weeks

29 weeks
31 weeks
33 weeks

35 weeks

I thought that since it's the "Home Stretch" now, I'd take a picture every week. Seems like I just posted the other one. But you never know what changes the tummy may offer week to week at this point.

Good belly news: The baby is head down and anterior (her back is facing out) which is prime positioning. I'm quite happy about that and my midwife said it's highly unlikely that she'll move out of that position. She's also at -1 station for those who care to know. It's the same as last week, in case I said it was +1 last week. I was confused about where the +/- where (up or down). :) Anyways!

Bad belly news: Yesterday I was at the ship (in the parking lot) when a piece of my kid's ship presention blew away. I didn't think about what I was doing and ran after it. I must have pulled a muscle or ligament becuse I can hardly walk now. Whatever hip pain I had is now excruciating and I'm hobbling around like a pirate. *Argh! Ahoy!* It's a little better this morning, but not by much. Tylenol didn't touch it, and I'm still on a referral list for a belly support from the physical therapist. I'm calling my midwife today to ask her to push a little on that one, since I could really use it NOW. Or especially before this very very very very very busy weekend where I will not be able to sit on my keister like you'll all tell me to do.

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  1. Thats a really cute picture of the 3(4) of you! When I was pregnant with my oldest I decided to RUN into walmart because it was cold out... I must have been around 35-36 weeks too... Yeah NOT GOOD. I know what your going through only I was too embarrased by the fact that I was too much of a whale to run without severly injuring myself-so rather than see a doctor I just suffered in my pain.lol. Hope you find some relief !!

  2. Your family has the best smiles.


  3. I love love love the photos. You guys look so happy! And of course your belly is so stinkin' cute! Won't be long now. Just a few more weeks. How are home birth plans coming? Have you got everything set? Can't wait to hear about your fabulous homebirth! And what wonderful news about baby's poisition! All systems are a go!

  4. Oh my goodness! I love the first picture of you guys! Oceana's smile is too cute! You guys look great too!

    I don't know if Adam sent it or not, but March Madness brackets are starting next week and I gave him your email cause he was trying to figure out old Elim friends to invite and thought maybe Matt would be interested.

  5. aw that picture made me smile.

    yeah, the 3rd one, physically for me, was the worst. I hear that happens pretty normally........walking in the last month was torture. EVERYTHING caused some pain. Oh the joys. :P

  6. Love the belly shot of your little sweetie(s)! Like everyone else says, you are such a cute prego! I didn't realize you'd actually hurt yourself when you mentioned the hip pain on FB. I thought it was just the usual pregnancy pain stuff. I'm so sorry! ouchie! I hope the Tylenol's helping some!

  7. Susie, have you ever heard of Elizabeth Noble? She's a physical therapist from Australia, very famous. She wrote a book called Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Year. I highly recommend it as you may be able to fix your pain with a simple exercise. Most of all, when I took her training course, she said that using a belly support band of any kind in one of the most detrimental things you can do, especially post partum because it takes over the work of your own muscles, making them WEAKER! Perhaps your local library will have the book or you can get it used at Ama*zon.

  8. YOU LOOK GREAT! Hope the belly gets better. You're such a great photographer Susie, it's so much fun seeing your creativity.

  9. Seriously, I don't think you could look more like you were smuggling a basketball. It is so cute!

  10. Aww you poor thing.. no more running through shipyards while carrying a child! I hope these last few weeks go smooth for you

  11. You look great! Hope these last few weeks are bareable and you are able to rest up!

    "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD."
    Psalm 31:24

  12. Your family is so beautiful! You guys take wonderful pictures!!

    I hope that you are able to get some rest/relief somehow.

  13. Your belly pic with your daughter is so cute!!! :) Glad your baby's facing the right way! Z was backwards & I had back labor- ick! :( Hope your hip feels better soon!

    Also, I just wanted to tell you again how much I appreciated your frank post on birth control the other week. I went to the TCOYF website & am using the software now (we're trying for a baby). I have shared the link with several people, and am planning to refer my 2 SIL's to it when we get together here in about 10 days. Thanks so much for writing it!

  14. The baby belly is very cute! She will be here any time now! I hurt my rib 2 days before my daughter was born in Oct and it still hurts!

  15. adorable! not to freak you out or anything, but a friend of mine gave birth to her daughter yesterday and she was 36wks 2 days! and the baby is totally healthy, and they are actually going home today! so-----be ready!!!! it could be any day really. :)

  16. Susie, what a ham. Look at that little girl. Way too cute. And you are in trouble! Why are you chasing after ANYTHING at 36 weeks? Naughty Naughty Naughty! I cant believe you are already almost done with this pregnancy. Weird. Love ya!

  17. I'm praying for you, Susie, for a safe delivery and healthy little girl.

  18. I love the family picture...you all make one great looking family.

    You are in the home strech of your pregnancy...I am praying it is smooth and according to your plans. Best wishes.


  19. Hi, I am about to give birth to a baby very similar to Joshua. I'm wondering if you would be willing to contact me by email to answer some questions around his delivery. I'm also interested in knowing what reasearch you might have that lead to turning him breech.

  20. You carry so stinking cute! Won't be to much longer now! Hope the pain gets better and you are able to enjoy (at least somewhat) the last few weeks!

  21. You are gorgeous! Getting so close. Your little girl will be here before you know it :) I hope your hip feels better soon. That sounds awful.

  22. You have a happy family.
