Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pizza Baby

The TV was on, if you're wondering what she's looking at.
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  1. I have a couple of those "pizza babies" myself. With another one up and coming, who is going to give us all a run for our money... or should I say, food!

    She gets cuter by the day, Susie!


  2. That girl is so ridiculously cute! I love seeing pictures of her. Keep them coming!! :)
    ~Deborah from Babyfit

  3. Oceana is just so cute. My 3 year old grandson thinks so too! I know, a year is a big difference now, but not later in life:)!! I would love to have your address over there so I could send some things to her and you too. Would that be okay? If so, email me at

    I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and my prayers continue for you as you get through, one moment at a time. Love you guys.

    Laurie in Ca.
