Wednesday, March 19, 2008

And more again

At the park
I hate my frizzy hair. I was stressing, so I probably was playing with my hair. Somebody slap my hand.

Oceana this afternoon playing with Joshua's teddy bears. "Tay-behs"
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  1. Beautiful pictures. Oceana is stunning, her eyes are amazing.

  2. How can you and matt look so good after such hard day? I like the pic.

    How is Oceana doing does she ever ask about Joshua?

    Praying for your family.

  3. I agree Oceana is beautiful. You are beautiful as well and don't need to worry about having your hand slapped....LOL. My 20 month old loves it when I look at pictures on your blog......especially the babies and bayeahs(bears)......LOL. My 4 year old about pictures of Joshua......."awwwwww Mommy, he is so cute". So not only is your story touching my life but the lives of my children. Even my 7 year old son knows "we need to pray for the baby's family mom".

  4. The picture of you and Matt is gorgeous! Amazing that you guys are doing as good as you are, and I think it's very important that you are doing extra things with Oceana so that she can maintain a somewhat "normal" routine! You're a great mommy!
