Sunday, December 30, 2007


back in october matt got chemical burns on his leg. he didn't know that when concrete mixes with water it creates alkaline - which burns badly. he was helping a friend concrete some retaining wall posts when his foot slipped in one of the holes. he got a boot full of water and concrete. matt poured out the concrete, but put the boot back on without washing it. after 2 hours, he was left with horrendous 2nd or 3rd degree burns on his right leg. they took about 6 weeks to scab over and finally are healed - but with horrible scars leftover. you can see above - one is right below his pantleg, two are halfway down and one is on his anklebone. there is one on the opposite side of the ankle as well. they haven't limited him, except when he had to be off his feet at the beginning. but they are annoying. now he can't burn or expose his leg to the sun this summer - which is really hard here! so he wears a compression sleeve from his knee to his toes most of the time. he hates it, and when he tans at the beach bemoans his one white leg. but i'm so glad his leg healed. and chicks dig scars anyways.
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1 comment:

  1. I found your blog thru another one I read and I am just amazed at your profound courage. I have two little ones and I couldnt imagine facing what you are facing, and yet in such a strong and dignified way.

    You, your family, and especially your little one on the way have been in my thoughts and prayers.
