Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cleaning house, getting bigger, and waiting.

Hi all - I thought I should probably do a quick update before baby's photos show up. Sooner? Later? Sometime between now and mid-April. I'm certainly hoping she comes closer to her due date, because the idea of heading into mid-April is a little (a lot) daunting.

37 weeks

Oceana is *thriving* in school. She's reading like a maniac and loving it. I tried to read the Little House books to her last summer and she was only minimally interested. We made it through the first 3 books last summer, but we started with On The Banks of Plum Creek just a few weeks ago and her opinion has completely changed. I love how interested she in the stories. She has read Great Day for Up, The Foot Book, and a few other books already. So proud. Seriously - SO proud. 

Naomi is nearly 3 - how did that happen? She looks so much like Oceana it's ridiculous. The other night she was in our bed wearing hand-me-down jammies from Oceana. Matt used his phone light to check which kid was in our bed and for a minute thought it was Oceana - that's how much alike they look. :) She's so talkative (they both are). So talkative in fact that Daddy may start wearing earplugs in the car so he can stay sane when stuck inside the car with three chatty girls. The "I-Spy" game drives him crazy.


  1. Awww i am 37 weeks too! Except it is with our first and it is a boy :) You look great! I am definitely with you on wanting to not have to go into the middle of April!!! :)

  2. Thanks for the update. Good to get a peek back into your world. Can't wait to see your new little one when she's ready. :-)

    Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Sooo happy that you remembered your blog. :) I miss seeing your posts.

  4. I'm so glad you updated! I have been thinking about you and your new little one. I pray your delivery is quick and your new little one is perfect!

  5. You are beautiful! Blessings on you and your family!

  6. Aaaa! You're so cute! And I bet your girls are getting excited! I'm glad your girls (all three of them!) are doing so well. Looking forward to seeing pics of that sweet baby soon! SOON! :D

  7. Oh the beginning of April girl time in your family? I remember the girls' birthdays are like a day apart and now your newest little girl will be born in roughly a similar time frame...poor Matt! How exciting though, I am so happy that you guys are doing well! Glad to see you finally updated too!

  8. What a nice big belly! It's so nice to see after all you've gone through. I can't wait to see updated pictures of the girls and, of course, the new baby, when she arrives.

  9. Arg...I keep checking back a couple of times a day...wondering if you've had your sweet baby girl yet!!! All the best.
