Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Das Bumpage

Life's busy. I've got kidlets. And a business. And a messy house. And enough errands to drive me absolutely crazy.

And I've got a bump! A big bump. But it's not a big bump because there's two babies in there or because I'm 6 months pregnant. No, I'm just 12 weeks pregnant .... and 6th pregnancies show up like WA-BAM. Especially since I didn't shave off the excess 20lbs I gained in the last year....

What's that you say? I skated over my pregnancy announcement? Why, yes I did. ;)

I saw baby on the ultrasound last week and saw him/her move like a the little shimmying-shaking-Sams baby it is. Seriously, every time I got for an ultrasound my technician says (4 pregnancies that I've had ultrasounds when baby was alive) "Wow, this baby doesn't want to hold still! Such a mover!" Yep, 4x. It's a Sams kid.... And I probably won't get a calm kid this time either ;).

So very excited to meet this little one, who my friend nicknamed Jetta, after our car. She and her husband were praying for baby in its very (VERY, 4 weeks) early days and needed a name to use. So her husband named it after our car. LOL.


  1. Congratulations! Sending positive, happy baby vibes your way!

  2. Congratulations! So pleased to hear such good news! x

  3. I wondered where "Jetta" came from. :) Too funny. Congratulations, again. I'm so excited for your family!

  4. Congratulations! Im excited for you!

  5. I am praying as well..can can't wait to meet the little bundle of joy either......you know where to go for newborn shots! :) *hint hint*

  6. I will pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby!

  7. Yay... Congratulations! Beautiful news. :)

  8. Oh!!! I'm lifting you to our Lord in prayer, asking that He bless you and this baby, that He provides health, that He blows us all away with His love, etc. Oh, and I'm asking Him for strength for you caring for the girls too!

    Hugs in Christ,

  9. Hooray! I've been following your blog for ages and I'm thrilled for you.

    And I'm voting....BOY!


  10. Oh, Susie. My heart is warm for you and your family. I pray all goes joyfully as you anticipate meeting your newest little one.

  11. I am so excited for your family!!! I will keep you in my prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth! Can't wait to see pictures of your journey!!!

  12. AAAAAHHHHHH! So happy for you!! I have never commented before, but have been reading, laughing, crying and praying with you since the days of your sweet Joshua. Praying in Rochester NY for you and your new little blessing!

  13. Congratulations! You must be due around the same time as my sister, she's due April 10th :)

  14. yeah, yeah, yeah!!! so happy for you!!!!!!!! Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy!


  15. What a treat to pop onto your blog and read such great news! Congratulations!!!
