Sunday, November 1, 2009


In 2007 and 2008 I watched several bloggers that I followed join in on NaBloPoMo. The concept: Blog 30x in 30 days. The idea obviously being that you blog every day. Well, I didn't join in those two years, but I'm feeling like I need a blog-jolt these days. I've enjoyed blogging more often, since I had "nothing else" to do with Matt gone.

So here's my 2nd post for November, see I'm already doing well with 2x in 2 days. :)

Details for today: Matt has an appointment at Inland Revenue [read: IRS of NZ] for his IRD [read Social Security] number. *Eye roll* I went in thinking I could apply for him with just photocopies of his documents. Yeah, that went about as well as you probably think it did.

I simply cannot be trusted these days. My brain has official shut-down. I searched the house the other day for our cordless phone. It rang all the way through to the answering machine and I still coudln't find it. The person hung up on the answering machine without leaving a message, so after it had stopped beeping, I hit the "find" button. It starts beeping again - this is when I realize it's on the charger.

No, you're not misunderstanding me. I was searching under couch cushions for a phone that was right where it was supposed to be. It made me just a little nervous to be left along for 2 1/2 weeks with my children. ;) Don't worry, I fed them, clothed them, and they're no worse for the wear.

So here's to 30 posts in 30 days!


  1. This is cool! :)

    PS. I feel bad because I never comment on your pictures even though I read your blog, but I usually don't have time to comment (because I'm at work when reading.. shhh) ;)

    Anyways, love the pictures you take of your cute girls. :)
