Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunny September Day

Sunny September Day, originally uploaded by mnssams.

So last night I was sitting here at my computer and I started researching photographers. I looked for composition tips, camera tips, and then today I got inspired.


PS. I'll never shoot in jpeg again... RAW is my friend!


  1. Lovely - RAW is a revelation isn't it?

  2. That picture of your two girlies is adorable... How are they getting so big so fast...
    Too cute, Thanks for sharing!
    Hoping for a Sunny September day here in Ohio.

  3. can I make a confession? I made the leap to professional photographer a while back and STILL do not shoot in RAW... It intimidates me because I dont understand it and honestly havent researched it much. eek. I've been telling myself I need to start shooting in RAW... so what made you finally make the change and do you have any tips/hints/insight for me?? It just sounds hard to me and Im not sure why. lol.

  4. Oh beautiful shot Susie! I keep thinking I should switch to RAW but am to chicken to, you have inspired me to research more and give it a go, Thanks! :)

  5. Hey, can you share websites or give us tips on what you learned. My "better but not awesome" camera is in the mail and I can't wait to play with it.

  6. Susie: Will you share some of the places where you've found good info? I am a non-professional, but do sell/auction some of my photos. I have a good eye, but much to learn. Would SO appreciate some leads. It is apparent you are growing. Best wishes!
