Sunday, March 8, 2009

Brittany's Random Picture Challenge

February 2009 (or first) folder, first picture that's not your child.

This is my sister's husband Drew (the little one in red). I was taking digital shots of all their old family photos so we could make a video for their reception. That's his mom, holding his sister. I'm guessing the picture's about 24 years old.

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  1. that is so cool! glad you played along..


  2. a picture of a pic. Look at that old car. Very cool.

  3. Hi, Susie,

    This is off-topic from your post, but I'm trying to find a certain blog and I'm sure I originally got the link from your website. It's a family who had a cele baby, a boy, and they did surgery to remove the cele and the baby lived. They thought for while he had a form of incurable cancer, but they ruled that out.

    Do you recall this blog? Do you happen to have a link to it?


  4. So cute, My kids are gonna be gorgeous!
