Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oppurtunities for God to Move

Faith Claire thinks its time to show up at 26 weeks gestation. Kenzie's been having contractions for several days now, and the medication's no longer working to stop them. It's gonna have to be a move of God to stop them. Please pray for them.

Paul Wesley
's encephalocele was removed, but it contained some malignant cancer. If the cancer is in his head as well, nothing can be done to treat it. He's too little for radiation. Pray that the cancer was only in the encephalocele and that he will thrive at home with his family! He looks so much like Joshua, doesn't he?


  1. Oh yes, he does look like Joshua. I cried and cried when I looked at his pictures. He looks just like what I envisioned Joshua to look like without his encephalocele. I can feel what their family is going day at a time.

  2. Susie,

    I went to click on the link to check on Faith Claire and family and it said that the blog address had been removed. Can you give me an update on baby Faith and family? I have been praying for them.

    Thank you,
    Kelly Gerken
    Sufficient Grace Ministries

  3. Susie-

    Thank you so much for posting a prayer request for us... and for your prayers! We are SO THANKFUL! Here we are a month later and she is still holding strong and growing. : ) I am praying to make it until November when we will be 35 weeks... at that point we should be in pretty good shape.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome news!! I'm so excited for you guys and I know the conflicting feels of telling/waiting and thinking others will think it is too soon. For us it was 2 short months later so it was super soon and it was really hard my first trimester. But... as we always know... God is so good!

    Lots of love and prayers for a healthy, uneventful pregnancy!
