Saturday, January 5, 2008


It's late and I don't want to say a whole lot. 41 weeks in less than 2 hours. No contractions, no show, no nothing. And that's fine with me right now.

My girlfriend Andrea came for dinner tonight with Malachi and Rikayla (previous post about them, one or two weeks ago). The first anniversary of her husband Rik's death is Monday.... the same day as my induction.

She understands what's going on. I enjoy spending time with her. I enjoy talking about Rik with her - about his crazy hair, and how much Malachi looks like his daddy, and how Rik was Mr. Extreme Adventure just like his baby girl Rikayla. It doesn't hurt her "worse" to talk about Rik. In fact, I have a feeling that (like me) it's a relief to be able to talk about him without someone asking her if she's "over him" yet. Yeah, and they've said that to her. They've asked her "What's your problem?", when they know Rik has passed away. (???? Who are these people? And can I please throttle them????)

It was a relief to say the things I say on this blog - to a face - and still get the same reactions that I do online. My blog readers - Thank you for your non-stupid comments, your concern, and your love. It's so rare to be able to say these things and not get stupid comments.

Signing out. Still no contractions. My bet? 3:30pm on Monday I'll have Joshua. That's my guess for a quick labor. My guess for a long labor is around 10:15pm Monday. But I want the best timing... and only God's gonna know that. So, it's in His hands - not like I ever had any control over the situation.


  1. Susie,
    Please keep us posted. I'll be praying for you & your family.

  2. I'm praying you have him late sunday or early monday so you don't have to be induced but get to be pregnant with him as long as possible. Like you said Joshua will come and only God knows when.

    Still Praying,

  3. I have been addicted to checking your blog lately, I think about you all day wondering if you are having contractions and if you don't post I always think your in labor, well.... I will continue to pray for you and thoughts are you are kept close to my heart. I wish I could just stop by your house and we could chat over a cup of coffee (not sure if your drinking it these days) I'm sure just a normal girl talk kinda afternoon would be a great time! Kyle and I will continue praying continually for you along with our family, and our church! Please update us of any changes.

  4. Praying for you:) Good to hear your updates!

  5. Just another random reader from the Pacific coast of Oregon who has been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now. I'm a pastor's wife that totally and completely supports your desire to have your baby naturally and in God's time. God bless you for giving young Joshua the best 41 weeks possible. I pray you have a healthy and safe delivery and the time you need to tell him all the things you want to say before returning him to God. May His overwhelming peace comfort you at this time.

    - Genevieve
