Friday, November 30, 2007

DE-struct-O mode

Ask any parent - they'll tell you that occasionally (with the exception of the rare child) children go into destruct-o mode! Yesterday was destruct-o day in our house! You already saw the mascara/hair gel episode. We also had a torn book. She tried to help me sew - "Needles, and pins, and scissors OH MY! She tried to color my fabric for a diaper bag. She also tried to color the book she ripped. She made it out to the street by herself! (Down a flight of stairs, out two doors and across the lawn - yes the doors were open).
Ok, maybe it doesn't look like such a long list now - but considering that this all happened between 1:3o and 5:30 - she did pretty good! Of course she usually looks angelic when she's gone destruct-o! Except when you yell "No!" and she gets that **look** that says, "I'm nearly 2, I'm gonna try out this Terrible Two's thing, and see how much I can get away with before I'm reallllllly in trouble!" AK! I hate that look. It's scary.


  1. I know that look all too well. Judah has been trying out the two year old thing for awhile times! It's a wonder I have any hair left!

    You must have been exhausted yesterday! She sounds like she was BUSY!


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