Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

My Christmas Eve was not what it should have been. There was situation that could not be avoided, and it put a heavy damper on our festivities.

But this is the memory I'm going to try hold on to instead.

Merry Christmas


  1. I'm so sorry that Christmas Eve wasn't what you hoped for....but that photo is beautiful and is a beautiful memory to keep.

  2. Beautiful photo, but a bummer of a damper. Hope whatever it is gets better for you.

  3. Beautiful picture--sorry that your Christmas Eve included something sad :(

  4. So precious. Such a pretty picture.
    Prayed for you today. And this evening.

    I've only lost two - one was on mothers day. I've never really liked mothers day anyway... but it seems worse to have an actual "holiday" to associate with the event.

    I could not tell you when the other one was - summer some time maybe June or July - its blurry and not quite as difficult a time since I can't assign it a specific date - i know some ladies can and remember times and dates but thankfully that is not the way my brain works.

    I'll continue to lift your up.

    Take care - your girls are so beautiful. As was your boy.
