Friday, April 9, 2010

Tutu giveaway results!

Thanks everyone for your patience! I did pull the giveaway when I intended to, but after doing my drawing, I was shocked at the winner. I wanted to wait and contact her first, because of the special situation.

Congratulations Chrissy!
Chrissy, momma of 4, lost her dear daughter Eva Janette just days after we lost our Joshua. Eva was one of the precious Trisomy 18 babies that was born around Joshua, I drew so much comfort from reading the journeys of other Mommas-In-Loss like myself - women like Chrissy.

Even though the tutu can't be worn, the tutu belongs to Eva. I'm really looking forward to putting together a tutu for her. The result - #18 of 75 stands. :)

Thank you everyone for joining the giveaway - I'm hoping to do more in the future!

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